Casa en venta en Almogía

Casa en venta en Almogía
Datos básicos
  • TBQO-T930
  • 125.000 €
  • 2.000 m2(63 €/m2)
  • Málaga
  • Almogía
Distribución e instalaciones
  • 8
  • 6
  • 1
  • 25.000 m2
Certificado energético
etiqueta energética
125.000 €
Cortijo ruin offers great potential for rebuild into a large country home or tourism business. Set in beautiful countryside with amazing views but not isolated and within easy reach of Malaga and the airport. This is a fabulous opportunity to buy a country cortijo which needs a full rebuild but offers a great opportunity for a wide range of future uses. The existing plans and project relate to a 5-star hotel but more affordable options can be considered. The property is in a ruinous condition and therefore needs a substantial investment – this is not for the feint hearted and will require more than DIY skills! However, what is obvious from the minute you see the location is that it will enchant everyone no matter what the end property becomes. Located along a dusty track of less than 3km, the property sits in an elevated position with amazing panoramic views including the full width of the El Torcal Natural Park. There are a couple of neighbours along the track and the farmland and olives in the immediate area are tended by local farmers but if you want to escape the stress of modern life or find the ideal place to enjoy life in the future, you couldn’t ask for more. Despite the tranquil location, you are not isolated – the local hamlet of Pastelero offers two excellent bar/restaurants serving excellent home cooked food which are popular with locals and weekend visitors from the coast and Malaga. The larger villages of Villanueva de la Concepcion and Almogia are both reached in less than 20mins and offer a wide range of services, plenty of shopping facilities, bars and restaurants, banks etc. The current plans… The property was planned to be a 20 room luxury 5 star Spa hotel with all the usual facilities you would expect – restaurants, bar, cafe, great outside space including swimming pools and spa treatments and even a renovated mill room and museum space. The build cost for this scheme was costed at over €4million so this is a scheme which needs some serious investment and consideration. Sadly, the scheme was never implemented due to the 2008 worldwide recession and the owners are now keen to pass it on to people who want to create something special. The original plans, project details, various geo technical reports and all other material are available for new owners. However, to enable work to commence on site, a new permission and project will be required. The good news is that the architect is still in place and will happily help new owners to create their ideal property and the existing history and information can be passed on to save time and money. The local town hall (in Almogia) are keen to see any tourism projects within the area and are therefore likely to support any scheme which is put forward. It may also be necessary to seek the involvement and approval of the Junta de Andalucia but again, they were extremely supportive of the original plans and would be keen to see a project completed. If you wish to view the property more closely, you are free to visit however it is very overgrown and the buildings are in a perilous state – we would advise caution if you decide to enter the buildings themselves. Any unaccompanied visits are at your risk only. The map at the top of this page shows the exact location. Under the new land law (LISTA), there are many other options… If a 20 bedroom hotel and the associated costs are not for you, we feel that the property can be considered for any number of other uses. It still represents fantastic value for money and would make an ideal country home or tourism related business. The existing property comprises more than 2,000M2 (nearly 26,000 square feet) of built area and internal courtyards. However, much of this space is registered as agricultural use and for the homing of animals so any new owner will need to discuss the change of use to residential or tourism with the local town hall.
  • 23/10/2024
  • 2.000 m2
  • 62,5 €/m2
  • 8
  • 6
  • 25.000 m2
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