Apartamentos en Alquiler en San Miguel de Salinas

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  • 1 inmuebles

ArKadia Publishing Ltd 5
Apartamento en alquiler en San Miguel de Salinas

590 €
  • 45 m2
  • 1 habitación
  • 1 baño
Welcome:) I am new here:) I can start with you... Very cosy apartment in a locked community, so it is safe. There are two pools opposite from the flat in a nice garden. The view is cool and calm with slight wind tunnel. It is very enjoyable. If you have kids, you can leave them at the kid pool and you can drink your coffee on the terrace while easily check them. If you are a digital nomad, you can work on the terrace with calming view. The parking is free next to the apartment outside, you can ch...
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